Yes kiddies, that "Community Organizer Group" that swallows the Obomanation's load on a daily basis is back to work making sure they've "got your number". LITERALLY!
If you haven't been visited yet, you will be very shortly. I was visited on Sunday, May 3, 2009. A "nonthreatening elderly white woman" pulled up in my driveway, in a small, beige colored unmarked sedan, and walked up to my front door. She was dressed casually, and in her hand was a small hand held "palm pilot" type computer. She was sporting a badge identifying her as a worker for the United States Census Bureau.
She politely asked me if the address she had was the correct address for this house. I responded just as politely, "yes it is". She immediately started tapping info in with that little tiny plastic pointer, and after about 2 and a half minutes of some furious tapping, she looked up and asked another question:
"Do you know where..." and she rattled off another address. She wanted to know if I recognized that address and if I knew which house it belonged to. I told her I didn't know, but there's a few houses relatively close by, she could try one of them. Again, she began furiously tapping into that little "palm pilot".
After her questions were done, I decide to ask a question or two of my own.
"Excuse me ma'am, if you don't mind my asking, what exactly is this all about?"
She then began her little dance routine. It was beautiful! So fluid and entrancing, you would almost miss all the subtleties of truth buried amid the mounds of lies! She began by telling me she worked for the United States Census Bureau, and that the 2010 census is coming up..." Whoops... warning flag. 2010 Census... but... this is only 2009!
Then she said that they needed to map out the areas so that the census could be taken more accurately and with less trouble in finding houses. And then somehow, she managed to derail onto the subject of her "disappointment" with our governments ability to find and deport the millions of illegal immigrants in our country. She made sure to point out that she harbored no ill feelings toward the "LEGAL Mexicans" (HER words, not mine) it's just the "ILLEGAL" ones she's "sick of". Again, these are HER words, not mine. But still, a second little red flag pops up. Hmmm, odd... a government employee that is "offended" by illegals? Now I know, there ARE some government employees that ARE offended by our nations lack of interest in enforcing Immigration Laws, but they are INCREDIBLY rare creatures. They're kind of like "Big Foot" and the "Loch Ness Monster". They're REPORTED to exist, but very few people have actually seen them in the wild, and those that claim to have seen them are ridiculed as nut-bags who forgot to take their fucking medication.
After all was said and done, this polite elderly lady drove away. It was then that I thought "Odd, she's taking down all this information and tapping it into her little computer for the United States Census Bureau, and not ONCE did she ask me "How many people live here?". Wow! Big red flag!
So I did a little checking today (Monday, May 4, 2009) and I found some interesting information.
For those of you who are unaware, the United States Census Bureau was originally under the guidance of the United States Commerce Department. But Obama has decided this is much too important a task for the Commerce Department to handle, so he has stripped that job from the Commerce Department and placed it under control of his Whitehouse Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. On top of this, that "Community Organizer Group" that is involved in more than a few counts of Voter Fraud in several states had signed on as a Nation Wide Partner with the United States Census Bureau last February.
It is also worth noting that The Census Bureau, according to the United States Code Title 13, was to be a PERMANENT office of the Commerce Department. It should also be noted that placing the Census Bureau under the control of the Executive Branch of the Government (Which Obama has done) is not only a VIOLATION Of the United States Code (just one more LAW that he has broken while in office) but also constitutes a CLEAR and DANGEROUS conflict of interest. But what do WE care if our PRESIDENT is breaking the law, right?
This woman that was at my door is just one of THOUSANDS of workers who are currently canvasing the united states districts to "GPS Paint" every front door in America. They have been instructed that they have 90 days to visit the front door of every house in America and get the GPS Coordinates within 40 feet of YOUR FRONT DOOR!
Now, for those of you who believe that DESPITE the thousands of lies Obama and his Administration have already told in the very short time he's been in office, that he's actually being honest and honorable with THIS action, this probably does not worry you in the least.
But, for those of you who know WHAT CAN BE DONE with a nation wide grid of exact GPS coordinates of ever front door of every private home in America, this should SCARE THE FUCKING SHIT OUT YOU!
As a Veteran, and a supporter of the Constitution, and a believer of Freedom and Liberty, I have been labeled a "Terrorist" by the current Administration. They have declared that Past and present "Veterans" are most likely to be recruited into the ranks of "Domestic Terrorists". This administration has labeled that the common citizen who BELIEVES he or she has a right to own a gun is quite possibly likely to be more susceptible in being recruited as a "Domestic Terrorist". Christians, Catholics, anyone that believes in God and Country are VERY likely to be susceptible to recruitment as a "Domestic Terrorist". Yet the Terrorists that are currently being held at GitMo, are peaceful people that the Administration has demanded be set free, turned loose into society because they pose no threat to you or your family. The "poor, misunderstood slighted muslims" who flew planes into the WTC and killed 3000+ INNOCENT AMERICAN CIVILIANS are not the threat here people! It's us! It's the Private American Citizen that reads a Bible. It's YOU if you own a gun! THAT'S who we must be on guard against! At least, according to the Obomanation Administration.
So what does this all have to do with the United States Census Bureau, you ask?
Well, they've got the GPS coordinates to within 40 feet of your front door. The census will tell them WHO LIVES at that GPS marker. State and Federal records show them where all the LEGAL gun owners live, who they are, and the GPS coordinates to within 40 feet of their front door.
Calling the Census Bureau, I asked the woman I spoke with, which law is it exactly, that gives them the RIGHT to GPS paint my front door and record that information? They referred me to Section 223, Title 13, U.S. Code, Chapter 7, Subtitle 2. Which, if you click the link you will see mentions NOTHING about GPS tracking your front door! It simply states, in plain English, that when the census taker comes by, you are required to provide accurate information and allow them to verify the number of people actually living in that home, or you will be subject to a fine of not more than $500.00 and that is ALL it gives them a right to do.
The United States Census is not due to be taken until 2010. This is 2009. They have NO LEGAL RIGHT OR AUTHORITY to do what they are doing. And the fact that they have partnered with ACORN, a CORRUPT organization, in order to do this is yet ANOTHER violation in a LONG LIST of criminal activities by this current Administration. Barak Obama and his Administration are shredding yet another strip off the Constitution. How long are we, as Americans, going to keep our eyes closed and wait for this mother fucker to drag us blindly down the road to Socialism and Communism?
The following is a Link to the United States Census Bureau's page that displays a Regional Map of the united states. Clicking on each region will provide you with a page that lists the phone numbers for the Regional Office of the United States Census Bureau. I urge EACH of you to visit the following link:
Click on your region, get the number and call these people and express your concern over what they are doing and who they are partnered with. For those of you who live in the Carolina's, the number to call is a Charlotte North Carolina number, (704) 936-5290, or toll free at 1-888-222-4936.
We need to call these people, every day, as many times as you can do it, and keep them busy. We need to let them know that we are aware of what they are doing, and what GPS tracking will allow the government to do. They are making every effort to make it easier to force this country to submit to the will of a growing government who is taking more and more control of your personal life every day.
If you would like to read more about this, the following link will provide you with quite a lot of info about our governments current actions in this regard:
This should scare the hell out of every American, and it needs to be opposed. I urge you, if you have had no interest in politics up to this point, to get informed. Start paying attention to what the government is doing to you. Your freedom, your liberty, even your very life could depend on it.
I foresee a re-ordering of district lines just in time for the next election.
ReplyDeleteI see far more than just that!