Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Free Asperin For Everyone!

Ok all you little Obamabot Assholes.

Looking forward to your "free health-care"? I hope so, because Sugar daddy Obama is gonna give you EXACTLY what you're hoping for. You remember that word? "Hope"? Goes with "Change"? All that Happy-Happy-joy-joy-horseshit that Kenyan prick promised you? The lies and non-committal answers you gullible little half-wits swallowed during his campaign? Well, let me teach you a new phrase:

"Reap what you sow".

Remember it. Because I'm about to give you the TRUTH that Obama and his jack-booted thugs REFUSED to give you. The very TRUTH your Democrat representatives that you love so much REFUSED to learn before they voted YES for Obama's bullshit. The very TRUTH you assholes are BLINDLY following because you're too fucking chicken-shit to question Obama and his policies.

Instead of LEARNING the TRUTH about that son-of-a-bitch, you're all content to stand around with your heads up your asses, jerking each other off, while you label any of us who ATTEMPT to clue you in on the truth as "racists". According to you cock-suckers, anyone that QUESTIONS Obama is a racist. therefore, I am a racist. So be it. It's a label I'll wear with PRIDE if it identifies me as a person who has NOT bought in to that bastards lies like the rest of you small minded fools have done.

Here's the TRUTH about your "beloved leaders" new "Health Reform".


Feel free to click the above link to open up a PDF file of THE BILL you assholes support. And please, do follow along, I'm going to direct you to a few key pages.

Remember Obama's promises that health care will NOT be "rationed". That anyone NEEDING health care, will receive it? Well, lets just take a look at page 29.

Page 29:


The cost-sharing incurred under the essential benefits package with respect to an individual (or family) for a year does not exceed the applicable level specified in subparagraph (B).


The applicable level specified in this subparagraph for Y1 is $5,000 for an individual and $10,000 for a family. Such levels shall be increased (rounded to the nearest $100) for each subsequent year by the annual percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (United States city average) applicable to such year.

Hmmm Odd, Obama says NO RATIONING, and yet, here in the VERY BILL he's ramming down your throat, he tells you that your health care will be RATIONED to $5000 for the first year for individuals, and $10,000 for the first year for Families. Rationing to be increased by only $100 per year after that. Sure hope you don't need any MINOR surgery, because you'll eat up the health care your ALLOWED to have the first time you have to stay more than a few days in a Hospital!

How are you liking your Messiah now? Still not impressed?

So, this is supposed to be "Free Health-care For All", but you know, there's something REALLY funny about this. There are some people in this country who do not HAVE health insurance. Not because they don't WANT insurance, they don't have it because they can't AFFORD it. So how exactly does the little gem on page 167 work?

Let's take a look at page 167!

Page 167:



In the case of any individual who does not meet the requirements of subsection (d) at any time during the taxable year, there is hereby imposed a tax equal to 2.5 percent of the excess of (1) the taxpayer's modified adjusted gross income for the taxable year, over (2) the amount of gross income specified in section 6012(a)(1) with respect to the taxpayer.

Strange. People that cant's AFFORD health-care, will be taxed MORE by the government for not HAVING health-care. In other words, because you don't have ENOUGH money, the government is going to take MORE money away from you. Yeah, you're beloved Obama is a real swell guy!

But I know how all of you think. Many of you look at this "National Health Plan" and expect it to be "for the other guy". Because Obama Assured you that if you have health insurance that you like, you get to keep it! That's right! You get to KEEP your health Plan that you currently have! And many of you look at that statement, and you're absolutely positive that this "Public Heath Care" will affect someone else. It's not going to affect YOU because YOU have heath-care, and Obama said you get to KEEP your health care!

How about you just read that bill I have provided a link for. Because according to that bill, you get to KEEP your health care UNTIL something in it changes. Until ANYTHING in it changes. If your rates go up at all, if your coverage changes even in the SLIGHTEST, your plan is no longer the same plan that was "grandfathered in", and now YOU are required to enroll on the public health care.

That's right. The second ANYTHING changes, the LEAST LITTLE CHANGE in your current coverage, and YOU WILL BE FORCED to take part in this socialist nightmare you have WISHED on the rest of the public. And when that happens, I want you to say just one fucking word about it. I want to HEAR you fucking complain! I FUCKING DARE YOU TO COMPLAIN! Because each and every one of you stupid fucking Obama supporters are responsible for this!

Under Obamacare, the elderly are fucked. An elderly man or woman who is in need of Bypass Surgery, or a Pacemaker, in order to keep them alive will not receive it under Obamacare. patients deemed "too old" to benefit significantly from the treatment will instead be instructed on what Obama's plan lovingly calls "End Of life treatment".

That's right. Your mother, your father, they'll be instructed by the doctor in methods of ENDING their life. Halting antibiotics, decreasing food and calorie intake, all the "happy fun ways to die" that the doctor can recommend.

Now, speaking for myself, that is NOT the kind of "Health care" I want for MY parents. I don't give a shit if a Pacemaker will only add ONE WEEK to my mother life, I want her to HAVE THAT ONE WEEK!

So tell me, at which point did YOU decide you don't give a shit about your parents and grand parents? At what point did you finally wake up and say "You know what, my mother and father are old. They're well over 60! I think they should just fucking off themselves so that someone younger can have THEIR share of health care!"?

At what point did your parents go from being the people who gave birth to you, and raised you, and cared for you, to being just some old fuckers that are taking up space?

Because ANY OF YOU that support this Obamacare and that PIECE OF FUCKING MONKEY SHIT NAMED OBAMA, that is EXACTLY what you are saying with your support. And in MY opinion, that makes you nothing more than a bunch of sick fucking pieces of shit!

Do yourself a favor. Read the bill. LEARN about what you are fucking supporting! Don't just be some blind, mindless fucking sheep following these government assholes into the slaughter house. You're destroying America with your idiotic blind acceptance. And your MURDERING people that you SHOULD still care about.

If you actually have the BALLS to read the bill, and you decide you STILL support it, then I hope you rot in hell. Right next to that Worthless fucking piece of shit Obama!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Who are YOU wearing?

Are there any "Obama-bots" out there? any of you "Obama Worshipers" care to TRY to explain something to me?

Do you remember the campaign? Here, let me refresh your memory:

I didn't want to use too many words and tax your feeble minds...

Well, I remember the campaign quite clear. There was this woman, her name was Sarah Palin, and she bought some new cloths to campaign in. And you liberal ass-hats went APE-SHIT! You freaked out about how much she spent on clothes (ignoring the fact that she's a WOMAN and that's what they do!) and you cretins just FILLED the television news telling us all how "disgusted" you were with her "wasteful spending"!

So please, do tell me WHY is it that every time the Illegal Immigrant Presidential Usurper and his ugly ass family is plastered in the news, we hear ENDLESS DETAILS about what God-Awful ugly ass piece of rag Michelle is wearing?

What's with this ugly ass J-Crew shit she's picking out and why the fuck aren't ANY of you liberal assholes bleating and yammering about how much SHE'S spending on her shopping trips to London, France, and God knows where else?

I mean, Sarah Palin didn't just hop on board Air Force One to jet off to France to buy some puke-green and baby-shit yellow summer dress thingy with "Punky Brewster" rainbow nylons and Robin "Mork From Ork" Williams colorful suspenders like Michelle "Militant-Bitch" Obama did! You don't seem to have a problem with funding THAT bitches shopping junkets, but Sarah gets roasted in hell for trying to look good for the campaign!

Tell me what your "opinion" of THIS little slice of "Americana" is:


Read it, if you can STOMACH it! How many of you own a $300 jacket for YOURSELF? Do YOU rush out and buy your little snot-drippers $300 coats that they'll grow out of in a week?

Check out the shit about the little Obama-bitches SHOES! HUNDRED DOLLAR SHOES! and not one pair, but TWO PAIRS EACH! One pair to wear when they get ON Air Force One (to go to yet ANOTHER TAXPAYER FUNDED SHOPPING SPREE) and one pair to wear when they get OFF Air Force One!

Do any of you liberals have the balls to stop being a fucking hypocrite? Do ANY of you liberal assholes have the balls to tell your "master" how much his hypocritical actions are pissing people off? Or, is NONE of the shit this fucked-up family pulling even phasing you in the slightest?

You know, I've developed a theory about you assholes that support this worthless fuck named Obama AND his pathetic, Anti-American shrill ass harpy of a wife. Your memories are about as fucked up and decayed as your common sense!

You people screamed and bitched about things that Sara Palin did. And here the Obama's are doing the EXACT SAME SHIT and you kiss their ass and manically masturbate at the thought of continuing to worship this fuck!

You freaked out about the fact that John McCain was born in Panama, and even though he was born to AMERICAN PARENTS in AMERICAN CONTROLLED TERRITORY, in an AMERICAN MILITARY FAMILY, you STILL insisted he was not eligible to be President because he was not actually born in the confines of the United States. Even though ALL the situations of his birth made him a NATURAL BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN!

Yet here's Obastard, born in Kenya, we have FAMILY MEMBERS OF HIS admitting he was born in Kenya, REFUSING to allow anyone to see his student records, REFUSING to allow anyone to see his ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE, and you dumb fucks SWEAR he's the "legitimate president".

Your memories are quite selective, or you just don't give a shit. Either way, this country is in SERIOUS trouble because of stupid fucking people like you! People that give the ok for an out-of-control lunatic to ram a multi-trillion dollar spending bill down the throats of the American Citizens without a SINGLE SENATOR reading the fucking thing before they voted YES on it! You fucking people are NUTS!

And now, we have his bitch of a wife and he two little ugly bitches in waiting jet setting all over the fucking world, buying up ugly ass clothes, and they're doing while WASTING butt-loads of U.S. taxpayer Dollars for the "family outings" on-board Air Force One!

Do you liberal asshole and democrat retards have a SINGLE FUCKING THING to say in your defense? Can any one of you EXPLAIN how this hypocritical bullshit is ok in your warped mind?

It is my SINCERE wish, and hope, that one day, you'll dislodge your head from Obama's asshole and get a whiff of fresh air. Clear that shit-impacted mind of yours a little and take a good long look around. Quit sucking the dick of "The One" and start paying attention to what the fucker is doing! You simple fucks were easily led by his "HOPE AND CHANGE" mantra all through the campaign. Are you honestly too fucking stupid, after all this time, to actually SEE what that fucking "CHANGE" has brought you?

Wake up you fucking morons!

My Apologies!

Hello again dear readers. Yes, all one or two of you!

My sincerest apologies for taking a months vacation without notice, but there have been a few things happening here that I did not plan on.

First was my heart-attack. It was a minor one, required no surgery, and only a 3 day hospital stay. I'm happy to report that you're stuck with me, for a few more years at least! Though the heart attack itself required no surgery, it did require a free shave (I will spare you the details of WHERE they shaved) and a catheter run from my groin to my heart so they could have a look-see around and decide if I was going to live or not (after seeing the bill, it could have gone either way), and some rather unappealing hospital food.

The end result, a grumpy, beer swilling white-boy with a groin that looks like it went 12 rounds with Mike Tyson and hosted a dance show by the Rockettes! Bruises where you NEVER want bruises!

Second thing that happened was my little town of Gaffney South Carolina played host to a spree/serial killer. Some red-neck that was paroled WAY too early decided to go on a nut and off 5 people in our sleepy little burg until he went up against a few of North Carolina's finest and exchanged gunfire. Long story short, he won't be getting his 40 years worth of death row appeals. So once again, The South has taken out the garbage!

Third thing to happen is the removal of a horse barn. It was about time to reclaim some land space, and the old barn had to go. So we've slowly been dismantling and tearing down the barn. Of course, we have to do it in the HEIGHT of summer, when it's the hottest you could possibly imagine. I swear I thought I saw Satan himself sitting in the shade, sipping on an iced tea and issuing instructions on which part of the wall we should tear down next. Or it could have been one of my neighbors. After a few dozen beers and a day of labor intensive work in the heat, they sort of look alike.

But I am proud to say that I am back, I will continue to hound Obama, and I will do my best to get back to pissing liberals off and totally alienating entire groups of people when ever I possibly can.

And now, back to our show!